
Israel is not an island. by underground

As if contestants in the TV show survivor, Israeli soldiers have been granted immunity from prosecution by their prime minister for participating in the last game show challenge.

From the BBC:

In Israel, Prime Minister Olmert told a weekly cabinet meeting that soldiers who had put their lives on the line for their country need not fear prosecution for war crimes overseas.

“The commanders and soldiers that were sent on the task in Gaza should know that they are safe from any tribunal and that the State of Israel will assist them in this issue and protect them as they protected us with their bodies during the military operation in Gaza,” he said.

What is Olmert saying here? That international law does not cover Israel? That, theoretically, an Israeli soldier could rape, massacre, torture, in fact do anything they desire,  safe in the knowledge that their PM will not allow them to be held accountable? Does this not encourage the crimes we have heard reported from Gaza in the past conflict? Why concern oneself with abiding by international conventions when you are exempt from their consequences?

Olmert expects the international community to condemn and punish Hamas criminals for violating international law, rightly, however will not play ball and allow his own forces to be held accountable for their actions. In insisting their troops are outside of international law, with the assistance of the US, Olmert and his predecessors are allowing and even encouraging Israeli soldiers to violate human rights. So when kids on beaches are shelled, when homes are bulldozed with the occupants still inside and marked UN buildings and refugee camps are fired upon, Olmert and his associates are as culpable as the commander who gives the order to fire. Perhaps the next time he is outside of his country’s borders, Olmert should be held accountable to the international laws he flouts and be tried at the Hague.

Ceasefire: Hope for the gullible. by underground

Delivering a speech laced with propaganda Goebbels would be proud of, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has announced a unilateral ceasefire in Israel’s invasion of Gaza.

Apparently Israel has achieved its objectives in the war, which must have been to inflict as many casualties on the Gaza’s civilian population. Claims by Olmert that the military have resisted attacking “terrorists” in some cases during the operation because of the potential harm to civilians runs contrary to media reports and UN claims. No doubt the insulated ignorant within Israels borders will lap up Olmerts assurances. Few outside the nation will.

The unilateral ceasefire is hope for the gullible. Hamas is not a signitary and have pledged to continue the fight while occupying forces remain in Gaza. Israel have reserved the right to respond. Considering it was Israels inability to honour the conditions of the last ceasefire which began this disgusting war, this ceasefire is as worthless as Olmert’s word.

So what has been achieved? Israel points to the damage inflicted on Hamas and the governments infrastructure as evidence of the operation’s success. Hamas leaders are dead or in hiding. Many militants are dead. However Hamas will not struggle to recruit replacements. With over 1,000 dead and 5,000 injured, it won’t be hard to find people who want to fight against the Israeli aggressors. Israel has won no support from Palestinians. With every war crime a new terrorist/freedom fighter is born. Peace is very clearly not on Olmert’s agenda. And so the war continues.

Diplomacy: Can’t we just talk about it? by underground

Death of a nation – Part Three: Diplomacy: Can’t we just talk about it?

Behind the scenes, whilst condemnations are conveyed, grand speeches made and newspaper columns are scribed, negotiations are taking place to try find a solution to the Zimbabwe problem. The international community, led mainly by Britain and the commonwealth, Europe and the United States, are attempting to pressure Mugabe’s regime into submission, and criticised China and Russia for not supporting moves against Mugabe. Within Africa, Botswana, Kenya and Zambia have been the most vocal against Mugabe, and are eager to get other African countries to oppose the regime more openly. The African Union, and in particular South Africa, are trying to negotiate with Mugabe and mediate between the two parties. These talks have not been without their critics. South Africa has been at the thick of both the diplomacy, and the criticism. Continue reading

Sanctions: Can we starve this disease? by underground

Death of a nation – Part Four: Sanctions: Can we starve this disease?

Attempts to bring sanctions in against the Mugabe regime failed recently at the United Nations, with Russia and China using their Security Council vetoes, claiming the situation in Zimbabwe did not threaten international stability. South Africa also opposed the motion saying the sanctions would interfere with their attempts to bring about a national unity government. South Africa’s Thabo Mbeki also claimed the sanctions could provoke a civil war. Burkina Faso’s ambassador, Michel Kafando, who voted for the motion said, “As a means of exerting pressure, it could help”. Both Britain and the United States, who put forward the motion, were disappointed China followed Russia’s move to veto the sanctions, with British Foreign Secretary David Miliband saying “it will appear incomprehensible to the people of Zimbabwe”. Continue reading

Who is a threat to whom? by underground

In the Western corner, nestled between the Mediterranean and half a dozen hostile neighbours, with a population of over 7 million, now 60 years young, with a nuclear arsenal believed to number 150 warheads, defender of Zionism…. ISRAEL!!!

In the Eastern corner, wedged between terrorist havens of Iraq and Afghanistan, with a population of over 65 million, with controversial nuclear programme claimed peaceful, defender of Theocracy… The Islamic Republic of IRAN!!!

Let’s get ready to RUMBLE!!!

All right, enough hype. Let us be serious for a moment. Iran versus Israel. Both are religious states, both have substantial military capabilities, and both are guilty of crimes against minorities in their population. Yet both are viewed very differently in the eyes of the Western media and politicians. Let us look at both countries, and how the media depicts them. Continue reading

What’s in a name? by underground

The recent devastation caused by Cyclone Nargis has displaced perhaps over a million and killed tens of thousands. The initial storm flattened villages and sent a tsunami wave crashing over low-lying coastal areas. Waterborne diseases now pose a further threat to those affected. The military dictatorship has hindered relief efforts from across the world, as agencies struggle to get the aid in to the country that is desperately needed.

When will the people of Burma get the assistance they so badly need? Or will the government of Myanmar continue to hinder relief efforts? Continue reading